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BG5 - The Self-Awareness Tool for these changing times...

Discover Your Uniqueness.
Profit by 'Being You'.
Navigate your Career and Life with Ease.
Certified BG5 Coaches to guide you.

Write your awesome label here.

What's In Store for April 2024!

Join us in April for an amazing journey through one of the most pivotal months of the entire year!  Two live sessions and weekly updates to help you stay grounded and aware of the massive shifts happening in our world. Hold on to your hats - it's going to be a wild ride.

Download our FREE Report

             Find out how BG5 can help you and your organization better understand and use each person's unique abilities to further your career and business goals.

"Changing Times Require New Tools"

Write your awesome label here.

Join Us Each Tuesday for
BG5 Empower Hour!

Be part of the conversation and learn how the traits in our designs show up differently for everyone. This is BG5 in action - watch the energy dynamics flow between team members as we explore our different designs.

Tuesdays @ 12:00pm Pacific

Get Started by learning about your BG5 Career Design!

Already know your Career Type? Jump right in!
If not, get your FREE BG5 Career Design Chart first.

Some words from our clients

It has been such a pleasure and honour to work with Shelley as I really resonate with her so well and I’ve gotten so much out of it. It’s just such a godsend, the information she provided to help me with this next part of my journey.
Valerie Dorough
My whole world has changed. The relationships that were no longer serving me are no longer there.  My life is filled with peace and tranquility as an Initiator and I no longer feel the resistance I used to in life. My relationships are flowing better and I'm communicating, broadcasting true to my spirit.
Lorraine Berg
It's been a very graceful way for me to approach my relationships, giving more space and being less reactive emotionally since realizing that I can easily be triggered by others. The crystal clarity I now have at navigating which are my emotions in a conversation and those that belong to others has been a profound gift.
Chris Montoya

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